Keeping track of the gifts in everyday life until I’ve listed 1,000…
Inspired by Ann Vonskamp: http://www.aholyexperience.com/2006/11/gift-list-thousand-things.html
Children in the library who think dictionaries with small print are “really cool.”
Red shoes that make my feet look sexy.
Knowing that my brother, should he never return my emails, is at least safe, healthy, and successful and far away from the pain.
A conference speaker that inspired me concerning missions instead of stifling with guilt, shame and feelings of worthlessness. We’re all in this together, whether we’re missionaries or not; and that was a wonderful reminder.
Wish bones from roasted chickens. Being silly I pulled it apart by myself yesterday. When the smaller end broke off into my right hand I let out a pathetic whimper that I lost, and then laughed at myself because it meant the “winning” side was in my other hand. It was a ditzy moment that was also profoundly sacramental: I receive both good and bad from the hands of the Lord, wins and losses, sometimes in the same circumstance.
The Catholic Encyclopedia in the library with its gilded pages, green cover, and lovely old book smell.
The warm weather.
Bradford Pear blossoms, even though they’re stinky.
My bean plants, fresh and new, sprouting from tin cans.
Butterfly tea cups with gilded lips.
Gaining some degree of “fame” (or infamy…) for my theological and historical knowledge concerning the early church.
My husband’s arm around me when we sit side by side in the chapel.
My quilted purse.
Working at a library.
Manischewitz Kosher Blackberry Wine before bed.
Playing Purble Place with Craig (a children’s deductive reasoning computer game).
Meetings with wise professors.
Starbucks dates with my sweet husband.
The ability to go on a Starbucks date because of my generous mom (my mother in law, but she’s the only mom I’ve ever known so she gets the distinction of that wonderful appellation : - ) ).
The fact that I can call someone “mom.”
St. Bernard of Clairvaux’s homilies.
This lyric:
“The pain is self inflicted
I know it's not good for my health
But it's easier to please the world than it is to please myself
The rest is out of my hands.”
Lyrics can help me process a world of unspoken emotion.
Ephesians 5:14, because it is the prayer of my heart: “Awake O Sleeper, and rise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light.”
My grandmother’s diamond ring that I wear as a reminder of the past. Not to dwell on it, but to acknowledge it and resolve to move on in difficult moments when I have the propensity to react to situations like her.
This precious ruby, the color of passion, of Christ’s blood, of fire, of clay, of wombs that surround and nurture new life, of the blood of martyrs, and of love. Love deep and overflowing and rising and surging and healing.
Day 1, 25/1000